Periods Puberty and the Paranormal

Director's Note
Being a tween girl is confusing and vulnerable. Going through puberty and learning about sex while simultaneously fighting off sexual advances can be really confusing and scary. I wanted to create a coming-of-age horror comedy that delves into all the discomfort and tension. Valentina is just trying to be the little girl she's always been, but parties, periods, boys, and monsters are all after her girlhood.

Drew Watkins - Valentina
Valentina is an awkward preteen. Prideful, hot-headed, and individualistic, she’s caught between her childish nature, and the irresistible urge to fit in as a teen. She has grown distant from her lifelong “BFF” Suzie and is unsure whether to hang tight or let go. Uncomfortable in her own skin and beginning to feel like an outsider everywhere, she struggles to figure out who she is and where she fits in the most confusing stage of life.

Brenna Sherman - Suzie
Suzie projects self-confident extroversion believing she is winning the whole puberty game. She and Valentina have been friends as long as they can remember, but Suzie’s newfound affinity for makeup and boys drives her into new social circles. Under the glam surface beats the heart of a loyal friend and future marine biologist obsessed with anything to do with the ocean. Since she enjoys her new self-assured persona, she stands at a crossroads between pressures to either maintain the deep friendships and interests that have formed her or leave them behind to enjoy the privileges of hanging with the cool kids.

Music by Emily Peterson
Listen to her on Spotify at lemonchillo
Behind the scenes photos